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All my lessons, failures, and experiences of the past were actually laying down the foundation for me to fulfill my PURPOSE in life.

Ching Relampagos

Get to know Ching Relampagos

Ching Relampagos has a 


At the heart of the matter

The passion to impact lives 



I am destined to live, lead, and leave a life-changing legacy...

Call To Purpose

I was 12 years old and about to graduate from elementary school when I became aware of the world around me and wanted to make a bigger impact in the world. Being the youngest in the family without responsibilities yet, up until then, everything was just child's play for me. The instant I learned that I was a medalist was the same moment I learned to take responsibility for my future - to own the outcome of my actions. That was a transformational moment for me. It came at the right time as I was about to enter high school the following year.


Although I excelled in a Catholic girls' high school, it was painfully clear I was different from most girls. I've always known that I was gay - a transgender male. Yet, my upbringing, school, and religion said my homosexuality was wrong. This was always a source of tension and point of oppression for me. I suppressed my homosexuality and conformed to societal norms. Entrepreneurial since Grade 4, yet I became an employee at my parents' advice. While rising the corporate ladder, I was dabbling in real estate and side business. I settled for mediocrity and I felt I didn't fully belong.

Moment of Change

The game-changer for me happened in September 2014, after my third secret same-sex relationship ended and I went through my 46th birthday the previous month all alone. I felt so down, miserable, and utterly lonely for over a month, realizing that I was well into mid-life, yet, still living this big lie and the mediocrity that I settled for. I wanted to be free of the shackles and limiting beliefs I was trapped in so I can be the best I can possibly be. I only have one life to live and half of it is already gone. I vowed to live the rest of my life on my own terms and make it the best of my life!

...that will outlast and outlive me on this Planet Earth


I first opened up to my niece about my homosexuality on the night I decided enough was enough. She was very accepting and my revelation felt so liberating! It led to more transformation - my hair cut, men's shoes, then formal wear - all unmistakably masculine. I gradually grew more comfortable shopping for clothes at the men's section, and to be confident about showing my real self to the world even during corporate events. I learned to live life not needing anybody's approval or to conform to what society finds acceptable. In June 2015, I opened up about my homosexuality to my closest friend at work, who was very accepting and encouraged me to be my real self always.

Gaining Skills

I focused on my personal development and attended trainings locally and abroad - Robert Kiyosaki Live in Manila in 2015, Peng Joon's Internet Income Intensive, T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive, and Paul O'Mahony's Online Business Mastery in 2016. I became a T. Harv Eker certified trainer and completed his Quantum Leap program in 2017. I learned new skills and reinvented myself. In July 2016, while still working in Metro Manila, I joined 3 business partners and opened up a bakery/cafe/resto in Bohol, where my family is deeply-rooted. I left my corporate cubicle in March 2017 and moved to Bohol.

Return To Purpose

In 2017, I became a Consultant for the Local Government Unit of Loon, Bohol. In 2018, I wrote the lyrics for its tourism jingle, co-founded 2 home-based startup t-shirt businesses, my tourism project went viral in social and mainstream media and got featured on TV twice! I guided our town to win multiple awards for its digital initiatives from 2017 to 2020. In 2018, I launched my eBook and website in January, my audiobook in February, was a speaker in the Cashflow 101 Workshop in March, certified for Digital Marketing in July, and launched Smart Money 101 in October. I became the Financial Literacy Trainer of the Bohol Provincial Police Office (BPPO) in February 2020.

"How to build Passive Income that fuels your Entrepreneurial Success and create the Lifestyle Freedom you've always wanted."

GET FREE ACCESS: The aspiring entrepreneur's guide to exit the rat race right from home NOW

YES, I want Passive Income & Lifestyle Freedom!

Who is Ching Relampagos

Life is meant to be the best I can possibly be

Entrepreneur and Chief Empowering Officer

Co-founder of home-based startups for souvenir t-shirts promoting pride of place and statement t-shirts advocating a positive attitude and way of life

Promoting Local Tourism and Instilling Pride of Place

Clothing company for souvenir t-shirts and clothing items promoting tourism in Loon, Bohol, Philippines and instilling pride of place ("garbo" means pride in the dialect) or "Garbong Loon" among Loonanons the world over

Nurturing a Positive Mindset and Lifestyle

Clothing and lifestyle merchandise with positive call to action messages in trendy and edgy designs and vibrant colors as a shoutout to everyone to nurture a positive mindset and lifestyle

Consultant and Game-Changer

LGU-Loon Consultant

Since August 2017

Consultant for the Local Government Unit of Loon, Bohol, Philippines focusing on digital initiatives, tourism, and business development

Digital Game-Changer

Winning 4 Straight Years

Guided LGU-Loon in terms of steering its digital initiatives to win multiple national awards at the municipal level for four years in a row and counting with more digital initiatives undertaken moving forward

Tourism Prime Mover

3D Pedestrian Lanes

Ching's out-of-the-box idea catapulted the quiet town of Loon into becoming a tourism bucket list overnight, and as Municipal Tourism Officer Designate, Ching launched the LoonMadanihon Day Tour, which is Loon's first tour package ever

Media Influencer

Print, TV & Social Media

Only a few hours after its launching, the 3D Pedestrian Lane along Loon's Hugot Road went viral in social and mainstream media and got Ching featured in CNN Philippines and Rated K on primetime television

Motivational Speaker and Sage on the Stage

Speaking before an audience of over 200 people in the Cashflow 101 Workshop held in Cebu City on March 2018.

Certified Life-Long Learner and Learning From World-Class Mentors

Internet Marketing Intensive

With Peng Joon

In January 2016, Ching was part of the Philippines' pioneering batch for Internet Marketing Intensive by Peng Joon, recognized as the authority on how to make big money through the internet

Quantum Leap Program

With T. Harv Eker

Ching is a T. Harv Eker-certified trainer and has completed its 5-course 18-month Quantum Leap Program in November 2017

Founder and Tribe Builder

Purpose-Driven Tribe

YOU Live FREE is a growing and thriving community of passionate, committed, and like-minded Passive Income Builders and Lifestyle Freedom Warriors relentlessly pursuing our unstoppable dream to help at least 10,000 aspiring entrepreneurs achieve lifestyle freedom by building passive income that fuels their entrepreneurial success.

Join Us Now!


Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Become part of our movement and join our purpose-driven community of Passive Income Builders and Lifestyle Freedom Warriors and start creating your own economy!  

It's Time To GO


Your Own Economy - Create It, Live It...and Build A Better World Around It!

Get Started Now!


The journey to becoming Passive Income Builders can be encapsulated in what we call the 3-Step Signature System. There are three (3) elements in this system - Mindset, Mission, and Monetization. 


The journey to lifestyle freedom starts with having the right mindset. Aspiring entrepreneurs were natural dreamers when they were children – with a belief system that would have led them to become successful entrepreneurs one day. But, growing up, the school system was programming them to become employees, not entrepreneurs. So their dreams were buried deep inside their employee blueprint all these years. Hence, the need to re-program their subconscious mind, along with this, is to enhance their financial literacy, so they can build passive income that fuels their entrepreneurial success.


When Mindset is not fully integrated into the picture, there will be no clarity of the Mission and the Monetization aspects. 


With the right entrepreneurial and investor mindset now in place, the next step for aspiring entrepreneurs in the journey to owning their lifestyle freedom, is to set their goals, create their vision for the future, discover their mission and purpose in life and to plan their actions moving forward in order to propel them to greater heights in their entrepreneurial success, and ultimately, to be able to contribute to a better world. 


As they achieve the goals they originally set for themselves, they also continue to evolve as entrepreneurs and investors. This is an ongoing and continuous process which necessitates for them to align their mindset from time to time with this level of continuous growth they are experiencing over time.


When Mission is not fully embedded into the picture, there will be no meaning to the Mindset and Monetization components. 


Monetization is key for entrepreneurial success and lifestyle freedom to happen – these are among the goals of aspiring entrepreneurs. As they enhance their financial literacy, aspiring entrepreneurs will learn to build passive income and nurture an investor mindset. They will learn to make money work for them by monetizing their ideas. This will help them reach for their dreams and achieve their goals in life.


When Monetization is not materialized, there is no business or financial success component in the picture. Hence, there is no financial or lifestyle freedom. 

Interplay of the Elements

So Monetization loops back to Mindset and Mission, Mission also loops to Monetization and back to Mindset. And of course, Mindset loops to both Mission and Monetization.


All these three – Mindset, Mission, and Monetization - are separate elements in themselves but also work hand in hand and loop to each other. The interplay of these 3 elements makes for the 3-step Signature System.

This 3-Step Signature System leads to Clarity, Meaning, and Freedom in the aspiring entrepreneurs' journey towards achieving Lifestyle Freedom.

Tying It All Together

As aspiring entrepreneurs evolve themselves over time, they need to work on their mindset, revisit their mission, and continuously find ways to monetize their ideas in order to keep on growing as entrepreneurs and investors in their journey towards owning their lifestyle freedom and continually be able to contribute to a better world.


Everything that we do ties in with this 3-Step Signature System. Our products, programs, and courses - as well as the articles in our blog - give focus on Mindset, Mission, or Monetization or any combination of these elements and the interplay between them as we relentlessly pursue our mission to help aspiring entrepreneurs own their lifestyle freedom by building passive income and creating their own economy.  

Let's Start Working Together!


What It Really Means

10X, as a concept, essentially means creating a life of freedom for yourself and your family. In this context, it means living a life without limitations and optimizing fully the resources that you have as well as the opportunities that you encounter in this life to be able to live the best life you possibly can.  The way to do that is through the 5L approach, which means: 

    Live Well

    Go for a healthy and well-balanced life, cultivate a positive disposition and well-rounded personality, and strive for sustainable living

    Lead Strong

    Contribute to a better world as you live, lead, and leave a life-changing legacy that will outlast and outlive you

    Laugh Heartily

    Enjoy life and make time for recreational and leisure activities while at the same time indulge in clean fun and fair play 

    Love Fully

    Nurture relationships with God, inner-self, significant other, family and loved ones, team, community, society and the environment

    Learn Forever

    Strive for continuous personal development and self-improvement to keep growing and becoming the best you can possibly be

Wealth Triangle

Putting it all together, the Go For Lifestyle Freedom Formula translates to creating a Wealth Triangle in your life.

When you Lead Strong, Laugh Heartily, Love Fully, and Learn Forever - you essentially Live Well. 

You are creating the freedom for yourself and your family. In this spirit, to be able to Live Well - that is, being able to optimize your life - that is gold.  That is the kind of wealth to aim for because it is priceless. 

That kind of life will lead you to own the Lifestyle Freedom that you want to achieve and the happiness and success that go with it. 

Let's Start Working Together!